Having been envolved in Infrared remotes for over 32 years, I have grown to understand them in ways I cant even put into words
I know protocols of Remotes by heart and can see minute differences between remotes at a glance. I also know which remotes talk the same language due to the years of trial and error. I have developed machinary that can produce a remote at will.
My main motivation for doing all of this was the suffering that people without being able to control their AC or device. I am willing to expend a tremendous amount of energy to solve their problem. Even if I lose money! This has given me a very good name amongst the many people who have benefited from my unconditional giving. I also benefit from this endless time investment!
Thankfully I have access to every universal remote database in the world, this means I can make sure that when you purchase a Universal remote, you will only receive one that actually works for your AC and not one that doesnt contain your remote info inside. And I know them all!
Infrared (IR) Remotes